Private Residence, Rhinebeck, NY
Old Bermuda Inn, Staten Island, NY
Séance Table
Roehrs House, Franklin Lakes, NJ
Medium’s Residence
Abandoned House (door), Frankfort, ME
Private Residence, Hawthorne, NJ
Edgar Allen Poe House, Baltimore, MD
Abandoned House, Frankfort, ME
 Vealtown Tavern, Bernardsville, NJ
Army Barracks, Vancouver, WA
L.C. Bates Museum, Hinckley, ME
Private Residence, Harlan, KY
 Private Residence, Cumberland, KY
Private Residence, Clinton, ME
Farmhouse, Girard, PA
El Rancho, Las Vegas, NV
Rental House, Tivoli, NY
  Atlas Theater, Cheyenne, WY
 Installation View:  Awake Are Only Their Spirits: On Ghosts and Their Media , Hartware MedienKunstVerein,  Dortmund, Germany
 Installation View: Hartware MedienKunstVerein,  Dortmund, Germany
 Installation View: Hartware MedienKunstVerein,  Dortmund, Germany
 Installation View:  Spectral,  Museum of London, Ontario, Canada
   Statement      Installation View:   Domestic Incidents, Redline Gallery, Denver, CO
 Installation View:  Zeitgespenster , Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
 Installation View:  Zeitgespenster , Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
Private Residence, Rhinebeck, NY
Old Bermuda Inn, Staten Island, NY
Séance Table
Roehrs House, Franklin Lakes, NJ
Medium’s Residence
Abandoned House (door), Frankfort, ME
Private Residence, Hawthorne, NJ
Edgar Allen Poe House, Baltimore, MD
Abandoned House, Frankfort, ME
Vealtown Tavern, Bernardsville, NJ
Army Barracks, Vancouver, WA
L.C. Bates Museum, Hinckley, ME
Private Residence, Harlan, KY
Private Residence, Cumberland, KY
Private Residence, Clinton, ME
Farmhouse, Girard, PA
El Rancho, Las Vegas, NV
Rental House, Tivoli, NY

Atlas Theater, Cheyenne, WY

Installation View: Awake Are Only Their Spirits: On Ghosts and Their Media, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, 
Dortmund, Germany

Installation View: Hartware MedienKunstVerein, 
Dortmund, Germany

Installation View: Hartware MedienKunstVerein, 
Dortmund, Germany

Installation View: Spectral, Museum of London, Ontario, Canada


Installation View:
Domestic Incidents, Redline Gallery, Denver, CO

Installation View: Zeitgespenster, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany

Installation View: Zeitgespenster, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany

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